Castle Ashby Farms is centred around the Home Farm in the village of Castle Ashby, although the 2,500 acres farmed is spread out across the Estate.
Combinable arable crops are the mainstay of the business which encompasses a diverse rotation. Wheat, oil seed rape, beans, barley and oats are grown. Some land is also fallowed with organic crops grown that include environmentally rich species. These are used to build natural fertility in the soil and reduce the reliance on the use of chemicals.
The Farm also has a diverse range of habitats that are good for wildlife on the Estate. Working closely with environmental schemes, the Farm enhances the natural landscape, with hedgerow planting and management. Wildlife margins are used to buffer hedgerows and watercourses. Improving ponds and creating areas of wild bird food are also important across the farmland of the Estate.
There is a large area of parkland grass around the main Estate grounds, and this is extensively grazed by sheep and cattle.
Shorthorn Beef cattle are a relatively new enterprise to Castle Ashby Farms. The animals graze grass for as much of the year as possible. Home produced forage is fed to housed cattle over winter with supplementary feeding, mainly of home produced cereal.
The Farm Team comprises four full time staff. Harvest staff are required annually from July to September.